Yet another good girl gone bad, in image at least. The Disney star Miley Cyrus is a well-known name and face by now to all of you who have a radio, television or internet access. Productions like her sneak unavoidably into our subconscious, even if we are not in the age group of youngsters who are the target audience of Disney channel or MTV. Speaking as neither a fan, nor a hater, just as an observer of the Miley-phenomenon like many others, her latest video still left me speechless.

Then, thanks to the publicity provided by Twitter, the official bitching community, we found out Miley was pro ana. That is something more concerning for all the parents out there. For those of you who do not know this nasty term, pro anas are intentionally anorexic; in other words, they are trying to achieve a figure/body shape which is far beyond normal and healthy, impressed by celebrities such as Kate Moss or Victoria Beckham. Instead of looking for medical help, these girls encourage each other to starve, presenting it as some kind of worthy sacrifice. So for your info, Miley is one of them, as she admitted herself. And if she is not, if it's just some kind of silly joke? Who cares. The young lady still has to learn that making statements like this in public, as an idol and role model to many, is more destructive than she might think. There are many idiots out there, but most of them are idiots behind closed doors, not in the public eye. Even Lady Gaga herself is a better inspiration then a starving 17 y/o. So Miley's normal-sized body is now only desirable to those who, instead of curves, prefer bones sticking out. It's a matter of taste, one might say; but only up to a point, then it becomes a medical matter, and the last thing we want is our little sisters to be affected.
Is it a big surprise then that Miley's latest video, Can't be tamed presents her as a seducing diva in a mini dress and in a weird-but-cool Gaga style outfit? Nobody expects originality or more than this poor to average tune; but I would definitely expect a 17 years old to cover her ass. Ugly duckling Lily Allen is more impressive in high heels and glamorous make up, and we can debate if Pussycat Dolls or Britney Spears is smoking hot or simply vulgar, but undressing someone under the legal drinking age is something we can't tolerate. Just like we can't tolerate Miley Cyrus posters in the children's room anymore. People, I am not conservative and never was. Sex sells, so sell it, at its own place and time. But why is their no movie, no music production and no teenage star now without flashing panties? Is there no creativity at all? We have one Lady Gaga, whose weird looks bought her fame and success and we can accept that, together with her catchy club hits. We have one Beyonce, who in spite of being an attractive, beautiful and talented woman, can't be sold without practically shaking her bum in our face. But Beyonce at her age could be a mum of five if she wanted to, while Miley hardly reached sexual maturity yet.
The thing is that people nowadays are becoming hard to impress or excite in any sense, as they have grown up watching the media circus from the first row. We need to get shocked, shocked and more shocked to get impressed. And after all, the right attitude is to ignore. However, we began to value genuine and creative artists more, even if they are not in the spotlight. We began to value women who can be classy and sexy without the need of becoming strippers onstage. Dear Miley, good luck with your career and avoiding to become a Lindsay Lohan under the pressure and stress you have to cope with at this young age. And of course, here's to hoping the power of internet will soon liquidate this big greedy monster, known as pop music industry.